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Pro-Troll Patents and Trademarks



Pro-Troll SpinRay Flashers - US Patent D678,460 S (expires 3/2027)

Pro-Troll Fish and Chip Flashers - D810,229 S

Pro-Troll 8-inch and 11-inch Lighted Flashers - D860,379 S (expires 9/2034)

Pro-Troll 4-inch and 6-inch Lighted Flashers - D916,229 S

Pro-Troll Flashers with Strike-Lite - D866,704 S

E-Plug Patent - US D972,065 S (expires 12/2037)




Pro-Troll Trademark - Serial 3784103

Pro-Troll USA Trademark - 2,631,416

Pro-Troll Canadian Trademark - TMA587,365


Pro-Troll SpinRay Trademark - 4,881,386

Pro-Troll Fish N Chip Flashers - 5,290,577

ECHIP - 5,343,092

PROFLASH - 87-505,396

STRIKE-LITE - 87-572-035

PROCHIP - 6,214,891

HOTCHIP - 6,225,760

E-PLUG - 7,368,218



Copyrights Website

Pro-Troll Downrigger Fishing Techniques Book



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